Agenda for August 29, 2012 SVBC San José Team meeting

Location: Pho 69, 321 South First Street, San José
6:30 - 8:00 pm

1) Introductions
2) Additions to agenda
3) Approve last meeting minutes

Quick stuff
4) Colin’s updates
4 a) Meeting next month
4 b) Diridon meeting in October
4 c) Board elections

5) Policy Advisory Committee update (Ann)
6) Quick check in on next week's event at Faber's (Katja)
7) Recap of last weeks event on bicycle friendly business (Colin and/or Joe)

Group Discussion
8) Local races/questions for candidates
9) Better world insurance (Erik)
10) Next meeting – chair and notetaker


SVBC's Fifth Annual Dinner


2012 Board of Directors nominations now open