San José July trails update

Here's the latest on San José trails from Trail Manager Yves Zsutty.

Highway 237 Bikeway Construction

Construction of the bikeway project between Zanker Road and Coyote Creek (north side) is nearly complete. Asphalt paving, striping, signage and fencing have all been installed. We conducted a final walk-through on June 18 and will bring a few outstanding issues to the contractor. Opening of the trail will occur in the next few days as that work is completed. Follow “SanJoseTrails” on Twitter for notification of the trail’s reopening and get more detailed updates and photos by following the Construction Updates.

Lower Guadalupe River Trail Construction

Project will be developed in three phases; 1) 880 to Trimble, 2) Trimble to Montague, and 3) Montague to Gold Street. Each phase is expected to take 3 month to complete and reopen. During week of June 18, contractor is surveying the project site in Phase 1 to outline the trail boundaries and installing storm water protection measures. Detour signage should be posted and will direct trail users to North First Street during construction. Weekly project updates are posted on the Construction Updates link found on the Trail Program homepage:

Los Gatos Creek Trail Under-Crossing (San Carlos Street)

The City has secured $1.6M in grant funding to prepare environmental and construction documents for the under-crossing that will span beneath the West San Carlos Street bridge, active Caltrain/Amtrak railway bridge and future High Speed Rail alignment. Four responses to our Request for Qualifications have been received and City staff is reviewing in order to select a preferred consultant for design, environmental and engineering services. A schedule will provided at a later date when the project team is hired. A conceptual image of the under-crossing is available at:

Fiscal Year 2012-13 Budget

Approximately $4,000,000 in new City funding supports on-going development of trail projects. Some highlights include over $900k for construction of Penitencia Creek Reach 1B (Dorel Drive to Noble Avenue), $150,000 in “seed” money to pursue grants for development of a pedestrian bridge over Coyote Creek near the Singleton Land Fill (currently and in-channel crossing), $250k in reserve funds to support construction of Thompson Creek Trail (from Quimby Road to Aborn Court), and $250,000 to master plan the Three Creeks Trail’s western alignment. Updates on these projects will be provided as work gets underway.


Guadalupe River Trail construction update


Help SVBC pack bikes into this summer's events