Sunset Celebration Weekend Bike Parking Success

As the sun set Sunday Monica walked the last, lonely bike over to the Lost and Found. Then she saw a man running quickly toward the bicycle corral as if he forgot something. Could this be a match?! It was! Success! This weekend's Sunset Celebration in Menlo Park brought a record-breaking number of bikes to the event. Maxing out our space with over 375 bikes over the two days, the bike corral was a hubbub of action. All kinds of bikes and riders were in attendance, from the littlest kids on the tiniest bikes, to the full family set-up with generator powered everything. It was a spectacle of bikes, riding styles, and riding fashions. We'd especially like to thank all the volunteers who took time out of their weekend to help.

SVBC member, Janet LaFleur, came by to park her bike. Read about her festival experience at


ACTION ALERT: Urge the Assembly Transportation Committee to approve SB 1464


A busy month of May