Guadalupe River Trail construction update

As mentioned in the May trails update, the Lower Guadalupe River Creek Trail in San José will be closed for paving from June 2012 through May 2013. Here's the latest on that project.

Recent progress:

  • Construction contract awarded to Wattis Construction of San Jose.
  • Submittals for detour and construction signage reviewed and approved for use.
  • Pre-Construction site visit conducted on June 15. Contractor, engineers, architects, and inspector walked Phase I to look at all site conditions and respond to questions before work proceeds.
  • Project schedule and phasing plan under review.

Phase 1: 880 to Trimble
Phase 2: Trimble to Montague
Phase 3: Montague to Gold Street

Upcoming milestones:

  • Construction to commence on Phase 1 during week of June 18. Work anticipated to take 3 months at this site before next phase is closed for construction.
  • Contractor to survey the site and install storm water pollution prevention measures
    during the week of June 18.
  • Contractor to install detour signage for Phase 1 (week of June 18). Signage will
    direct trail users to avoid the Phase 1 area with signs posted at Hedding and Trimble,
    directing bicyclists to use North First Street.
    About the project:
  • The Lower Guadalupe River Trail extends from Highway 880 to Gold Street in Alviso. The 6.4 mile project will pave the existing gravel trail and include 5 interpretive
    stations along the route.
  • The current gravel trail is jointly used by the City for recreation and the Santa Clara
    Valley Water District
    for maintenance of the waterway.
  • The project is funded through the 2005 Federal Transportation Bill (Safe,
    Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users or
    SAFETEA-LU) and local City funding.

About San Jose Trails

San Jose has one of the nation’s largest urban trail networks with nearly 54 miles already open to the public. The City’s Green Vision advances development of a 100- mile interconnected network by 2022. The Guadalupe River Trail is a core system in the network and serves both recreational and commute users.

For more information:


2 held for allegedly trying to run down bicyclists [SFGate]


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