Policy Advisory Committee charter

The Policy Advisory Committee may also be downloaded in PDF form (61 KB).



The Policy Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) advises the Board of Directors (the “Board”) and the Executive Director (the “ED”) in their oversight of SVBC’s policies and positions related to the organization’s mission. The Committee specifically is not responsible for SVBC governance policy.


  1. The Committee is an advisory committee established under Section 8.3 of the Bylaws. At least 3 directors will serve as members of the Committee. The Committee may appoint individuals for one year terms who are not members of the Board to the Committee, subject to ratification by the Board or ED. The Committee will elect a Chair from its membership.
  2. The Board or ED may fill vacancies on the Committee. The Board may remove a Committee member from the Committee at any time, with or without cause.


  1. Research and develop SVBC policies, and advise the Board and Executive Director on matters of policy. Act in an advisory capacity to advocacy activities.
  2. Develop positions for SVBC on local and regional issues that fall under the mission.
  3. Draft a work plan that defines the scope of the issues SVBC is involved in and determines where SVBC will place the most emphasis.
  4. Review and make recommendations to the Board regarding SVBC’s strategic plan and long-term objectives regarding policy.
  5. Work with Executive Director and staff as requested on advocacy items.
  6. Consult with other committees as appropriate to ensure consistent approach and mutual support.
  7. Identify contentious policy and advocacy items for vote of the entire Board.
  8. Perform such other duties as the Board may from time to time assign to the Committee.


  1. The Committee will meet at least one time annually or more frequently as it will determine.
  2. The Chair of the Committee will preside over the meetings of the Committee. A majority of the members of the Committee will constitute a quorum. Committee approvals will require a vote of a majority of the Committee members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present.
  3. In general, committee meetings will be noticed and will be open to the public. In general, meetings will be noticed in the weekly bulletin. At its discretion, the committee may hold a closed meeting.
  4. The Executive Director will assign a minimum of one staff member to support committee operations.
  5. The Committee will report its activities to the Board on a regular basis.
  6. The Committee will review this charter periodically and recommend any proposed changes to the Governance Committee for review.

Bylaws reference:

8.3 Advisory Committees. The Board may create and appoint individuals to one (1) or
more advisory committees (“Advisory Committees”), each consisting of two (2) or more directors, non-directors, or a combination of directors and non-directors. Advisory Committees may not exercise the authority of the Board to make decisions on behalf of the Corporation. Advisory Committees shall be restricted to making recommendations to the Board or Board Committees and implementing Board or Board Committee decisions and policies under the supervision and control of the Board or Board Committee. The Board may, at any time, revoke or modify any or all of the advisory capacities delegated to the Advisory Committee.


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