Bike to Work Day Posters

BTWD 2012 Poster

Our 2012 Bike to Work Day poster is ready to be seen and help spread the word about Bike to Work Day! Download a copy and hang it in your cubicle wall, above the water cooler, in the break room, around campus, at a parking lot, in the elevator, over the sink, or on your living room wall… anywhere and everywhere will do. Be creative. And feel free to post pictures if you're proud of your display.

Download the poster for Santa Clara (PDF, 1.5MB) and/or San Mateo (PDF, 1.4MB).

If you'd like the nice, glossy 8.5x11 and 11x17 posters, you can request a few to be shipped to you via mail by emailing


New Pollard Road Bike Lane


Hit-and-runner gets stopped by a public bus