Get involved: Help plan a fun family bike ride in Sunnyvale

Once again, SVBC is partnering with the City of Sunnyvale, Traffic Safe Communities Network and Stanford Hospital Trauma Services to put on the second annual Sunnyvale Family Fun Ride on May 19, 2012. This event aims to bring families out to ride their bikes together and see how fun it can be to pedal around their community, with the ultimate goal of promoting Safe Routes to Schools. The three to five mile ride will begin and end at Ponderosa Park as it circles around two local schools -- Braly and Ponderosa.

We are just in the beginning stages and we’d like to get more community members involved in this planning process. If you would like to participate in the planning efforts, such as helping select the route, or simply volunteering the day of the event as a ride marshal, please contact me at


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Letter in support of San José Green Lane application