Let's get rolling with parent surveys
Santa Clara SR2S will really be getting the ball rolling this week as we distribute our parent survey to six of the participating schools. The surveys are designed to give us an idea of how students are getting to school, now, at the beginning of the program. This allows us to do two things. First, we can determine how to focus our efforts. For example, if we see that third and fifth graders at one school walk frequently, but their fourth grader peers don't, we know that we need to work to get those students walking more.Second, the surveys will help us learn when and where our efforts are working. We will compare the results of this first survey to those of a follow-up survey distributed later. If we see more walking and biking from our students and their families, we know we're on the right track! If we see that we can do better, we'll know what to focus on.So if you're a parent of a student at Briarwood Elementary, Haman Elementary, Montague Elementary, Scott Lane Elementary, Sutter Elementary, or Cabrillo Middle Schools, please help us get smart. Take the survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ParentSurvey2012_SantaClaraCityBoth English and Spanish surveys are available. Just two minutes of your time will help us change lives!