Action Alert: Contact your Representative to save biking and walking funding TODAY

Our friends at the Safe Routes to School National Partnership are looking to California bicycle advocates to help them in their fight to keep biking and walking funded at the federal level. They need your help!

Next Thursday, February 2, the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee will vote on the House transportation bill, which will eliminate crucial funds for bicycling and walking.

Because California is represented on the Transportation Committee, we are in a key position to influence this vote and to save dedicated funding for bicycling and walking. We need you to contact your Representative in the House today and ask them to vote to preserve bicycling and walking!


The House transportation bill, called the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act, is expected to eliminate the two largest programs that fund bicycling and walking infrastructure—Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School. Without these programs, communities all over the country will lose resources to build the sidewalks, crosswalks, and bikeways that make bicycling and walking safe and accessible in your community.

We can’t let that happen.

That’s why our national partners are working to introduce an amendment that will preserve funding for bicycling and walking. During next Thursday’s vote, our Congressional Representatives could be the key to making sure that this amendment passes in the Transportation Committee. Please contact them today to ask that they vote to preserve funding for bicycling and walking in the transportation bill.

Tell them:

  • -Bicycling and walking make up 12 percent of all trips, but only 1.5 percent of federal funding.
  • -One-quarter of children’s traffic deaths happen when they are walking or bicycling and are struck by cars. Safe Routes to School funds help ensure funding for critical sidewalks, crosswalks and safety infrastructure to protect children and prevent unnecessary deaths.
  • -When town centers are bicycling and walking friendly, business and economic development improves.


Thank you for stepping up and taking action to keep bicycling and walking safe and accessible!


A great meeting is followed by an abhorrent hit-and-run


Los Altos Hills