Bike and Walk to Dinner Month

When it rains, it pours! October has had me burning the candle at both ends as I implemented our Bike and Walk to School Month program at Anne Darling Elementary School and coordinated the final push leading up to our Fourth Annual Dinner.

The Dinner takes place next Tuesday, November 1. If you haven't purchased your tickets yet, you're going to have to wait until next year. We have reached capacity, with some 300 guests expected. If you hear from me next week, it means everything went well!

Our program at Anne Darling was definitely a success. Nine classes - that's 180 students - from the fourth and fifth grades participated in a bike skills rodeo on campus on the 12th. The original date was delayed due to bad weather, but we didn't let it dampen our spirits. In addition to the rodeo, students from all grades took part in walking school buses and bike trains every Wednesday of the month. When they got to school, we gave them quick lessons on the environmental benefits of biking and walking, like preventing air and water pollution.

Check back next week, when I'll hopefully have some great pictures from the Dinner to share!


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