Safe Routes to School goes big time in Silicon Valley
A couple of years ago, SVBC joined together with assorted regional advocates to encourage MTC to create a Safe Routes to Schools funding stream to help get communities up and running with Safe Routes programs. We were successful--as a result, VTA received $4.039M and C/CAG received $1.429 (the money was distributed relative to population).
VTA decided to run a competitive grants program open to agencies within Santa Clara County. The recipients of the grants are: City of San Jose, City of Santa Clara, City of Mountain View, City of Palo Alto, and Traffic Safe Communities Network in the County Public Health Department.
In San Mateo County, C/CAG decided to devote the funding to a county-wide program, which is now being coordinated by the County Office of Education, with lots of different options for schools to choose to participate.
SVBC has been there from the beginning, pushing for funding and assisting agencies in their planning efforts. I can't wait to watch, this year, as the programs get off the ground and more kids are walking and biking to school.