Action Alert: Final push for SB 910

This action alert comes from the California Bicycle Coalition (CBC)

Many Californians want the health, financial and environmental benefits of bicycling but don't ride because they don't feel safe sharing the road with other traffic. Many of them know of someone who's been injured by a passing car or truck or they've witnessed or experienced a close call themselves.

Let's make the roads safer for everyone! Senate Bill 910, cosponsored by the CBC and the City of Los Angeles, would specify 3 feet as the minimum clearance for drivers passing bicyclists from behind. Nineteen other states already have 3-foot passing bills on the books; now it's California's turn to enact its own 3-foot passing bill.

SB 910 faces a crucial vote by the full Assembly in the next few weeks - it's one of the last votes needed for passing the bill and sending it to Gov. Jerry Brown for his signature.

It's time to urge your Assemblymember to vote yes on SB 910 by 5:00 pm this Friday, Aug. 26. Maybe you've already contacted a legislator about SB 910 - we need another round of support messages for members of the Assembly. This what it takes to get legislation enacted!

Here's all you do: Follow the simple instructions below for contacting your Assemblymember by phone, fax or email. It's easy!

Two ways you can express your support for SB 910:

Not sure who your Assemblymember is? Start here!

By phone

Call your Assemblymember's office and leave this message with a staff member or on voicemail:

I live in _____________ and I'm calling to urge Assemblymember _______ to vote yes on Senate Bill 910. By giving drivers clearer guidance on how to pass bicyclists safely, this bill will help save lives and make the roads safer for everyone. Thanks!

By email or fax

In an attachment below, you'll find a sample letter you'll want to modify slightly. An Assemblymember directory can be found at Please also email or fax a copy of your letter to Sen. Alan Lowenthal at or (916) 327-9113 and to the CBC office at or (916) 446-1512.

Thank you so much for helping make California's roads safer for everyone!


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Volunteers needed to conduct Safe Routes to School assessments