Proclamations and resolutions for Bike Month

Bike month is getting to be quite the big deal! This year, official proclamations or resolutions recognizing Bike to Work Month and/or Bike to Work Day have come from the Mountain View City Council, the County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors, and the Valley Transportation Authority Board of Supervisors.

SVBC Board member Greg McPheeters accepts the County of Santa Clara Proclamation from Supervisor Ken Yeager

The Mountain View City Council made its proclamation at the April 26 meeting, citing, among other things, that, "today, millions of Americans engage in bicycling as an environmentally sound form of transportation, an excellent form of fitness and a healthy family recreational activity."

The County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors presented SVBC with a beautiful proclamation that was accepted by SVBC Board member Greg McPheeters - see the photo above.

The Valley Transit Authority adopted a resolution proclaiming May 2011 as Bike to Work Month and May 12, 2011 as Bike to Work Day at its May 5 meeting. SVBC Communications Manager Colin Heyne made a brief statement to the Board to thank them for their reliable partnership on Bike to Work Day, the multi-modal approach VTA staff members use on all projects, and the official recognition of the bike as a healthy and valuable transportation mode.

SVBC appreciates the fanfare and would like to thank the council and boards for recognizing bike commuting as a serious remedy for traffic, health, oil dependency, and environmental problems.


Action Alert: Call Senator Boxer TODAY to keep bicycling funded


Stuffing the Bags!