Bike to Work Day, bike rodeo, bike ed

Well, its been a busy week as we approach May 12 -- the biggest day is the Bay Area during this National Bike Month.

We've been working along with over 100 Energizer Station lead volunteers who will be hosting nearly 70 Energizer Stations in Santa Clara County and another 23 in San Mateo County. We'll be stuffing a couple of thousand bags tomorrow, Saturday, May 7 at Sports Basement in Sunnyvale.

We also had a great time putting on a bike rodeo for over 250 students at Anne Darling Elementary School on Wednesday, May 4. We tag teamed with CommUniverCity of San Jose and Specialized to put on this great Bike and Walk to School event where hundreds of kids took part of a few walking school buses on their way to school, and then learned how to ride their bikes safely by participating in several safety bicycling stations.

We would like to thank all of the volunteers who helped make this happen, and Specialized for sponsoring this event, providing bikes for kids to use during the rodeo, and for giving away a free bike to one lucky student.

Stay tuned for a nice summary and pictures coming up soon.


San José City Hall press event kicks off Bike Month


Supervisor Ken Yeager reports: more bikes on Caltrain!