SVBC: We do stuff

Ah, springtime - it's the most bikeable time of the year! Which, of course, means that your humble staff members here at SVBC are doing our best to keep up with everything. Bike classes, Bike to Work Day, and a few other things are keeping Ernesto busy (dude is a machine). Anne is keeping the office running, making sure we occasionally get paid, and overseeing a long list of bike parking commitments (credit here goes to Ernesto, too), Corinne is covering advocacy issues like the Diridon Station Area Plan in San José and the San Mateo County bike/ped plan on the Peninsula, all the while gearing up to tackle a mountain. In fact, at this very moment she is educating the San José City Council about the many benefits of bikes in the Diridon Plan.

As for myself, I mostly kick back and write about the things that my colleagues do, both on this website and in our weekly e-bulletin. I don't even work full time, choosing to waste away the days finishing up my Global Studies degree at SJSU. One benefit to my dual lifestyle: I am winning the office bags-under-the-eyes competition this year, having advanced to the so-called "Bill Clinton" stage. In just four weeks, five essays, four oral presentations, and two final exams, I'll be a full-time SVBC team member, foregoing extravagances like sunshine and bike rides so that I can fight the good fight and bring two-wheeled freedom to all!


What's your motivation to Bike to Work?


Money for exercise!