Bike Advocacy Summit - Part One

The first day of the Silicon Valley Bike Advocacy Summit is done, and I'm glad to say the day went wonderfully. This was SVBC's first-ever attempt at a multi-topic conference, so I was a bit nervous. I had nothing to fear! The speakers were informative and engaging, the audience was eager to participate, and the food was both plentiful and delicious!

Scott Bricker's keynote talk set the inspirational tone for the day

After hearing all the experts talk, the audience broke into discussion groups where they shared what they had learned from the day and brainstormed possible next steps to work on common goals. Thanks to our co-host Sustainable San Mateo County for helping to facilitate this part of the day. Participants can keep the discussion going on the Sustainability Hub.

Participants discuss the ways employers can promote cycling

Thanks to REI and Specialized Bicycles for sponsoring the Summit. And thanks to Chipotle for helping to feed everybody. Most importantly, thanks to all the speakers and attendees for making it a great day!


How About a Pat on the Back!


Hedding bike lanes