Action alert: Protect state bicycle funds

The California Bicycle Coalition is warning that Caltrans may be getting ready to take away millions of dollars in bicycle and pedestrian funding.

In the latest budget deal, the two parties agreed to rescind $2.5 billion in unspent federal transportation funds. Caltrans has to give back some money, but they can decide which funds they send back. Based upon history, we know what happens next: Caltrans mostly gives back the funds that your community uses to pay for bike lanes, trails, and education programs!

Please contact Governor Brown today and ask him not to penalize bicycling by returning a disproportionate share of such funding. You can use this easy-to-use page to send an email to him today.

For more information, you can read this Rescissions FAQ from the League of American Bicyclists.

Together, we can help to protect funding for bicycling and walking in the state of California.


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