Thanks to Willie Weir

Many of you came out last night to enjoy a discussion of adventure cycling by author and radio personality Willie Weir. It was a great event; Willie is also a experienced actor and his tales were completely vivid and engaging.

Willie is an active cycling advocate, though this wasn't always the case. An encounter with some aggressive motorists in Seattle led to his realization that he needed to speak up more for cyclists' rights. As a result, he now reserves a portion of his presentation to talk about advocacy and urge the audience to join their local bicycle advocacy organization. He also donates a sizable chunk of his book sale proceeds to the bicycle coalition in the town in which he's speaking. Thanks to those who bought Willie's books last night, SVBC raised $100!

So, thank you Willie. Thanks for a very entertaining hour of your time. Thanks for supporting SVBC and all the coalitions and cycling clubs that have benefited from your generosity. And thanks for taking the time to remind people of the importance of supporting advocates in their communities. Cycling adventures are great, but adventure isn't necessarily what you want when you take your bike to the store for a gallon of milk!


Another Volunteer Night success


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