We're number four! We're number four!

It was announced yesterday that San José will host the Stage 4 finish of this year's Tour of California. Riders will depart Livermore on the morning of May 18 and head out to Mines Road, to the first KOM (King of the Mountain climb) of the day. Mines Road is 25 miles long, hilly and winding. After two more KOMs, the riders will face the daunting challenge of Mt. Hamilton, the Tour’s first Hors Category climb — a French term to designate a climb that is "beyond categorization” and is incredibly tough.

The Stage 4 route video, as well as videos for all other Stages, is available for reviewing on the Amgen Tour of California website (www.amgentourofcalifornia.com). Check in with the SVBC website for updated information on how this great day of racing will be integrated into Bike Month 2011.


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