San Mateo County adventures

Carlos and I had a very interesting meeting with C/CAG this morning to discuss some of our ideas about San Mateo County. We have researched other counties (Santa Clara, Marin, and Alameda) with respects to their bicycle planning and have compiled some best practices, which include:

  • Composition and charter of the bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee (B/PAC)
  • The establishment of a quality bicycle plan
  • Existence of a bicycle coordinator
  • Centralized coordination between various agencies

Our full report, courtesy of funding from the San Francisco Foundation, will be available soon--for now, we're discussing our draft with various staff and elected officials in the county, and gathering their input.

Rich Napier supported the idea of being mindful of more countywide coordination, and mentioned something about making sure there was language to encourage that in the bike plan (which is currently being updated).

Tom Madalena agreed to work to provide some more information on C/CAG's website regarding the scope of C/CAG's authority. The C/CAG staff finds it frustrating when advocates hold them responsible for things that aren't under their control, so we suggested that providing some more information regarding the B/BAC responsibilities, and the C/CAG's charter, would help direct advocates' comments to the appropriate agency.


An unlikely ally


NPR Morning Edition story - jobs, cycling, and quality of life.