Alpine Rd at 280 redesign

SVBC members and staff have been working with the San Mateo County of Public Works in an effort to redesign the Alpine Road underpass at 280. This was precipitated by the recent death of Lauren Ward.

I was invited to attend the monthly meeting of the club that Lauren's husband rides with last night. They are, understandably, motivated to help make the roads safer for cyclists at this time. We discussed some of SVBC's advocacy and I invited them to work with us in our efforts to make the roads safe--starting with the Alpine/280 intersection redesign.

The folks at San Mateo County have given several us drawings of the potential intersection improvements at Alpine/280. For those of you who would like to do a technical analysis, I invite you to download the 4 pdfs and let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment to this post.

Clearly, any of the alternatives would be a huge improvement to the current situation. It's important to note that the colored bike lane option (D-4) would require special permission from the state, meaning a longer timeline for implementation. I rather like the idea, though--it really helps motorists understand where bikes are likely to be positioned. Although I think green is a more widely adopted color.


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