San Mateo County Department of Parks announces new trails project

Great news from San Mateo County Parks Department! Officials have announced plans to create six east-west "Bay to Ocean" trails spanning the San Francisco Peninsula. The trails will, as much as possible, be accessible to pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians.

More detailed planning for the trails will begin after the Parks Department hosts a series of public input meetings. Certainly, SVBC applauds the concept, as we previously urged San Mateo and Santa Clara County officials to work on funding new trails in a previous e-bulletin. Now, San Mateo County just needs to find some funding and get those trails built. Some snags are expected. From the Mercury News:

If history is any guide, the trails plan will face serious obstacles in coming to fruition. Almost none of the new trails proposed in the last "master plan," from 2001, have been built. Some aspects of that plan echoed earlier trail plans developed by the county in 1990 and 1972.

Of course, SVBC has advice concerning the new plan to improve San Mateo County trails and bike lanes, but that's another issue. For now, kudos to the San Mateo County Department of Parks for thinking big!


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