Los Altos cyclists: protect your BPAC

The Los Altos Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is in jeopardy. The next Los Altos City Council meeting on Tuesday December 14 will include, in consent calendar item 11, a proposal to disband the BPAC:

1. Agenda Item for City Council/Traffic Commission Joint Meeting (scheduled for January 2011)

Discuss the organizational structure, membership and terms of the BPAC, including consideration
of consolidating the BPAC’s responsibilities into the Traffic Commission and disbanding the BPAC.

Disbanding the committee would be an unwise move. Transportation Development Act Article 3 funds are only available to cities and counties that employ a Bicycle Advisory Committee. Consolidating the committee's responsibilities into the Traffic Commission will prevent Los Altos' future eligibility for these valuable funds.

Additionally, MTC Resolution 3765 calls for all projects funded through MTC’s programs and fund sources to consider the accommodations of bicyclists and pedestrians in planning, design and construction. The resolution specifies that project sponsors complete the Routine
Accommodations/Complete Streets Checklist when the project is submitted to MTC for funding. The checklist is intended for use on projects at their earliest conception or design phase so that any pedestrian or bicycle consideration is included in the project budget. The most effective way to accomplish this is through a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee comprised (as per MTC's intent) of bicyclists and pedestrians.

If you walk or bike in Los Altos and would like to see the continuation, even the strengthening, of the BPAC, please voice your support to the Los Alto City Council before December 14 and again on January 11.

Councilmember Ron Packard - rdpackard@losaltosca.gov
Councilmember Val Carpenter - vcarpenter@losaltosca.gov
Councilmember David Casas - david.casas@alumni.pepperdine.edu
Councilmember Jarrett Fishpaw - jfishpaw@losaltosca.gov
Councilmember Megan Satterlee - megan.satterlee@losaltosca.gov

Or, to send an email to all five Councilmembers - council@losaltosca.gov


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