Los Gatos Town Council gives bike paths the go-ahead

Great news! The Town Council of Los Gatos has approved the network of bike paths proposed in the Santa Clara Countywide Bicycle Plan. This means that the town can now proceed with grant writing in pursuit of funding for the expanded trail system.

From the Mercury News:

The Santa Clara Countywide Bicycle Plan identifies 11 potential bike paths that would interconnect with existing trails and pathways, making it easier for bicyclists to travel from place to place.

"What you really want is a network of dedicated bicycle lanes that interconnect so you have a safer route," Los Gatos parks and public works director Todd Capurso said. "That might also encourage more riders."

It's great to see cities and towns proactively building a future where bikes are a practical choice for everybody to incorporate into their commute, errands trip, or fun weekend rides. Good job, Los Gatos!

For more information on the Countywide Bicycle Plan, visit http://www.vta.org/schedules/bikeways_plan.html


San José trails update


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