SVBC helps bring traffic changes to Woodside

Late last month, new "No Parking" signs were unveiled on Woodside Road in Woodside, west of the Cañada Road intersection. The signs were installed in order to pacify a chaotic traffic situation that threatened cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians outside the local elementary school. Sharrows - bicycle icons painted in the traffic lane - were also installed to let motorists know that bicycles have the right to the lane when they cannot keep safely to the right of traffic.

The change in parking and traffic in Woodside is the result of years of patient work and letter writing by SVBC and our members, especially Bob Page of the Woodside Bicycle Advisory Committee.

Bob points out that the success is due to the community coming together to solve the problem at hand:

What has led to the current success is commitment and
determination to improve safety for all road-users (as in the complete streets perspective) on the part of the Town of Woodside staff, Woodside Elementary School parents and administration, Woodside Bicycle Committee and Town Council, Caltrans District 4, and the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition.

We're thrilled to see a community working together to ensure that all users of the road stay safe.


C/CAG Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Call for Applicants


Park(ing) Day 2010 - memories and winners