C/CAG BPAC - San Mateo County Bike Plan closer to fruition

Last night's C/CAG (City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo) BPAC meeting was mostly devoted to updating the members on the progress of the San Mateo County Bike Plan which will replace the current plan published in 2000.

The county has chosen three heavy hitters in the Complete Streets universe to produce the County's Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. They include:

Niko Letunic of Eisen Letunic spoke on the their intent to cover the pedestrian and bicycle policy that exists in various levels of government; city or local agency, county (SMCTA, C/CAG), regional (MTC, BAAQMD), state (Caltrans), and federal. As you may know (surface) transportation issues within San Mateo County can be handled at least five different levels: the County's Public Works Department, SamTrans, the Transportation Authority, C/CAG, and Caltrain (JPB). In some cases administrative duties are shared among the agencies.

Matt Haynes with Fehr and Peers spoke on pedestrian issues within the plan. This will be the first time that San Mateo County will incorporate a pedestrian plan in any transportation plan. Matt is a busy guy these days. He is also representing Fehr and Peers on the consultancy team for the Diridon Station Area Plan in San Jose.

Lauren Ledbetter with Alta spoke on the bicycle aspect of the plan and the rational that will be used to refine the Regional Bike Network (RBN)

BPAC member and Councilmember from the city of Pacifica Julie Lancelle announced last night that she would not running for re-election and would be vacating her committee seat at the end of the year. She left open the possibility that she might like to serve as a public member if a vacancy were to open up on the committee.


Newly formed Caltrain BAC on the fast track to success


San Mateo bike counting volunteers needed