Stanford employees give cars a rest

A recent poll by Stanford's Parking and Transportation Services Department shows that 52 percent of the university's employees choose some sort of alternative transportation, such as cycling or public transportation.

From the Stanford Report:

"Reaching the point where more than half of the university's commuting employees chose alternative transportation instead of driving alone is a major milestone for Stanford," said Brodie Hamilton, the department's director...

"To put our current 48 percent drive-alone rate in context, the County of Santa Clara drive-alone rate for employee commuters is 78 percent, based on 2007 U.S. Census data," Hamilton said.

Congratulations to Stanford employees for setting a powerful example for the rest of us! SVBC has had the pleasure of working with Stanford's Alternative Transportation Coordinator Ariadne Delon Scott and her predecessor Carolyn Helmke, two people who undoubtedly deserve praise for this accomplishment. Let's hope the alternative transportation spirit spreads to the rest of the county!


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