Cupertino portion of Stevens Creek Trail to reopen to cyclists and pedestrians

Good news broke out in a late night session of the Cupertino city council. Last night, at around 11:30 PM, the Cupertino City Council adopted a resolution and voted to deny a petition by residents on Scenic Circle who wanted to prevent access to the park's trails from their neighborhood.

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Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition members and volunteers were on hand to support the resolution and speak publicly in favor of allowing bicycle access to the park from the Scenic Circle neighborhood.

Some background information: the Stevens Creek Corridor Trail and Blackberry Farm Park were reopened on July 4, 2009, after construction and renovation. Soon after the park opened, concerned citizens in the area felt that having trails connecting the Scenic Circle neighborhood to the tri-school area to the east would provide a safe route for students to bicycle and walk to school. This would keep children off dangerous McClellan Road. With its tight curves and steep grades, McClellan Rd. is only for the most experienced cyclists, but during the morning school commute, with high volumes of traffic, it is a risky road for most any cyclist.

During a December 2009 meeting, city staff were advised by the council to propose a total of three alternative plans for trails and access points to the neighborhood. The three alternatives differed in the length of the trails, and steepness of the trails and the location of the access points to the neighborhood.

The three main reason staff had recommended allowing for park access were:

  1. It provided a safer route for school children to the tri-school area on McClellan and Bubb Roads.
  2. It would allow convenient access for neighbors and park users to the west of Blackberry Farm Park.
  3. It supports the city's goals for alternative transportation and a green environment.

This is a great day for the children of Cupertino who ride to school and their families who can now choose to enjoy car-free access to the parks. Thanks to the community for coming out to support a healthy Cupertino, and thanks to SVBC members who stayed out late to advocate for greater access for bicycles. Great job.


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