Yahoo! courts cyclists

Yahoo! has announced the launch of its very own corporate cycling team. The team, to be led by former pro racer Kevin Klein, was created as a result of the high level of popularity enjoyed by cyclists in Silicon Valley. Cycling News cites an online survey that suggests 50% of Silicon Valley professionals are fans of the sport.

The formation of the team bodes well for the continued support of cycling by Silicon Valley employers. As SVBC's Bicycle Friendly Workplace program points out, employers that support cycling culture are more likely to attract cyclist employees. Indeed, enhancing its workforce was one of Yahoo's motivations for creating the team. As Klein told

The whole idea behind the Yahoo! Cycling Team is the recruitment of high tech professionals in the Silicon Valley and to provide a platform for partners to achieve more involvement at the community level

At SVBC, we couldn't agree more. As employers continue to embrace cycling, Silicon Valley and the Peninsula gain a healthier workforce that is more involved in the community.

Read the whole story at Cycling News via


San Francisco cyclists: CycleTracks is here


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