National Bike Summit 2009

Bicyclists led the Good Roads movement in the 1880s, successfully lobbying for paved roads to drag our nation out of the mud. In 2009, the stage is set for bicyclists to once again lead reform of our transportation system. A “smart” transportation movement is needed to solve the challenges of climate change, obesity, congestion, pollution, safety, and dependence on foreign oil.

The 2009 National Bike Summit is focused on making a powerful case for expanding Federal support for bicycling – for active transportation and recreation. Join fellow advocates, industry leaders, and retailers as we make our voice for change heard: we have a new President, new Congress and new administration to address. The new Congress begins writing a new federal transportation funding bill and bicyclists must be at the table. Please join us: we need every Congressional District to be represented.

The National Bike Summit 2009 website contains the details of the program and associated events:

If you are interested in attending the Summit at part of the SVBC delegation, please contact Corinne Winter at


Caltrain - Trains with two cars


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