Meet the people running for the Board of Directors

Each year, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition members vote to select the Directors of the incoming Board at the Winter Party. This year, the current board conducted extensive outreach to identify, interview, and select candidates who would be a good match for the organization’s needs at this time. The Board-recommended slate of candidates is listed below. Besides the Board-recommended slate, no other candidates requested their names be printed on the ballot. Any member may run for the board, and on the ballots there is a blank line for write-in candidates.

If you are unable to attend the Winter Party and would like to vote, please leave us a message through the contact form.

Paul Goldstein

Member since 1988, Life Member, Board Secretary 1999-2004, currently Treasurer and Chair of the SVBC Policy Committee. Member Palo Alto Bicycle Advisory Committee since 1996, Chair 2001-2004. Member, California Bicycle Coalition Legislative Committee. Committed bicyclist (commuting, recreation, touring and everyday transportation).

Statement: I am passionate about bicycling, and I am so pleased with the rapid expansion we have seen in SVBC over the last few years. With an expanded membership base and full-time staff, SVBC has become an even stronger force for improving conditions for cyclists in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. I want SVBC to continue to reach out to the recreational and competitive cycling communities and build an even stronger membership base.

We need to make sure that SVBC is a sustainable organization, with a financial structure that can serve us well into the future. In addition to financial matters, I am particularly interested in working on policy and legislative issues.

Ryan Kauffman

Statement: My name is Ryan Kauffman, and I am interested in joining the SVBC board of directors because I believe the SVBC is the authoritative resource for cycling information in the Bay Area. I look forward to the opportunity to advocate for, and empower, cyclists in local communities. I think that an informed and empowered electorate can best address a number of challenges we face today including: global warming, crumbling transportation infrastructure, and dwindling access to cheap fossil fuels.

I began to see the planet in a new light while studying Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon, and I further refined my interest in alternative forms of transportation while completing a Master of Science in Transportation Management from the Mineta Institute at San Jose State University. In my current role as a Transportation Demand Manager at a large Silicon Valley Corporation, I am responsible for all the commute programs including: carpooling, vanpooling, shuttles, transit subsidies, walk-to-work and, yes, cycling too!

I commute by bike 2-3 times per week between San Carlos and Silicon Valley, and LOVE Mt Biking on the weekends. I feel my passion to help expand cycling access in the Bay Area, along with my connection to the public transportation sector, would be valuable addition to the SVBC board.

Thank you for your consideration.

Lorri Lee Lown

Statement: I began cycling as an adult ten years ago, and I’ve been active as a recreational cyclist, a commuter, a tourist, an advocate, and a racer. I’m a full-time cycling coach. I founded and am President of Velo Girls – the largest women’s cycling organization in northern California. I’m active as a bicycle educator, coaching skills clinics and presenting lectures on a variety of topics related to health, fitness, and cycling, serving thousands of cyclists annually. I’ve served as Treasurer of the Northern California/Nevada Cycling Association for two years.

Prior to my cycling career, I spent 13 years as a staff member of not-for-profit theatres. During these years, I had direct interaction with the Boards and Finance Committees of these organizations. I’m well-versed in the daily and long-term workings of a not-for-profit organization and will bring that experience to the SVBC Board. I have a BFA in theatre management and an MBA in organizational management.

My goal in serving on the SVBC Board is to educate the recreational and competitive cycling communities about the value of the SVBC for all cyclists. This is an audience that is underrepresented in SVBC membership, and holds significant growth potential for the organization.

Jim Parker

Statement: My name is Jim Parker and I’m running for the Board of the Silicon Valley Bike Coalition for 2009.

Although I’ve only been a member for the past year, I’ve been an avid cyclist for the past 20 years in and around Silicon Valley, including century rides and commuting to work.

I was a founding member of two the larger regional triathlon clubs, Silicon Valley Triathlon Club & Tribe.

I currently work in finance for a publicly traded solar company. Beyond the finance and tax expertise I could bring to the club, I’ve been involved extensively with my employer’s CSR (Corporate Societal Responsibility) efforts and could add specific insight into SVBC’s corporate fundraising efforts.

One of the efforts I’d be particularly interested in working on is a Bike Friendly Workplace certification program to incentivize more local employers to encourage bicycle commuting.

I believe that there has never been a better opportunity for SVBC to positively influence our community, and I’d like to assist in those efforts.

Thanks for your consideration.


I wrecked!


"NO BIKES" Sign in Los Altos Hills