Just my day

Well I returned to town from Spain all full of energy and I got a little over-zealous on all the projects I wanted to do this week. I've been working 12 hours today so far, and still have things on my list.

But it's all ok because I just received an email from a colleague that started "sweet Corinne" and went on to ask me things like "Have you gotten to bike around a lot? Any inspiration for your work? Have you achieved any real, total breaks from your everyday stress and work? Are you happy, or at least getting happier?" What a thing to touch my heart. It made me laugh out loud with joy when I read it.

Last night I came home exhausted after 10 hours at the office (you know, that state where your brain just feels fried because you've been working so hard to get through too much in too little time)... and I was too late for doing the 4 hour ride I had planned on since it was getting dark... but I went on a shorter ride anyway with a little encouragement from my house mate and wow, it is just like pressing that reset button into a good mood start up.

I have to say that life is one incredible ride.


this week's list is way too long


The power of hello