What is Vision Zero?

Since city leaders committed to adopting a Vision Zero Policy in 2015, 438 people have been killed by traffic violence.

We are on track to pass 60 traffic fatalities this year. And that is unacceptable.

We can’t do this alone! Share with your friends and family. Share on social media. Download the toolkit here.

Vision Zero is San Jose's Action Plan to lower and ultimately eliminate traffic fatalities and severe traffic injuries. Seventeen major streets have been identified and established as Priority Safety Corridors. These street corridors have a high incidence of fatalities and severe injuries due to traffic collisions.

Although San José city leaders have already committed to funding Vision Zero, our communities cannot afford the pace at which the city is currently funding and implementing Vision Zero.

We need Vision Zero funded and implemented now! We are demanding that our city leaders prioritize funding and implementing Vision Zero in the next two fiscal years.

Get Involved! Sign to demand our San José City leaders fund Vision Zero Now!

For more information on how you can get involved. Contact Diana at diana@bikesiliconvalley.org