A guide to effective safe-streets advocacy in your own town 


3 - Local Team Resources

Want to Learn?  
We can help: 

●      Biketivist Forums 
Online forums with various speakers and topics to help educate teams on advocacy issues and positions. 

●      Advocacy trainings  
Quarterly trainings by the Advocacy Team to develop and grow volunteers into leaders.

●      Ride Leader Training & Other classes
SVBC teaches on so many topics; check out the calendar for upcoming classes.

●      Educational Materials  
Various Factsheets, Articles and opinions via news BLOGs, action alerts, e-bulletins.

●      Leadership training and coaching 
Ride Leader trainings, goal-setting and developing work plans for teams, guidance on running effective campaigns. 

●      Policy expertise
Vetted policy guidance for teams to become and stay informed on the best practices.  

●      How is your city doing?
See our Biking in Your City page to find out.

Want to have an event?  
We can help: 

●      Advice on organizing and planning 
Example How to Plan a Group Ride and Local Team Bike Parking Guide

●      Request an Eventbrite page. See our guide to getting an Eventbrite page
Get volunteer organizer access to email and check-in registrants

●      Promote: post to SVBC Calendar and social media accounts; create and print flyers (as time allows) 

●      Provide swag for giveaways 

●     Reserve SVBC equipment (SVBC-branded canopy, tables, chairs, bike rodeo supplies, table flyer holders, bike racks, smoothie bike, bullhorn, literature at
events when possible), subject to availability  

●      Provide Insurance Coverage: Allow local teams to use SVBC's insurance coverage when needed and where applicable. (Example, a team bike ride) 

Want to advocate?  
We can help: 

●      Share relevant information (BPAC meetings, council meetings, project reviews, specific plans, policy updates)   

●      Create and promote a campaign 

●      Make connections to City and County staff and elected officials 

●      Make connections to community-based organizations (CBOs) and other local allies 

●      Grow and develop the team into a powerful bike lobby 

●      Send action alerts to SVBC supporters in the relevant geographic area

●      Provide advocacy trainings, including developing your own campaign plan

●      Provide Factsheets on various topics such as road diets and separated bike lanes


SVBC has limited funds to provide to local teams for various needs. Please review the request funds protocol

Tech Tools

●      Google Groups
SVBC provides an email forum via google groups for each team under SVBC domain (e.g. sunnyvale@bikesiliconvalley.org)   

●      Google drive space 
Up to 5 GB for collaborative documents and document management (copies of Minutes and Agenda, campaign materials, flyers, etc.)  

●      Zoom
Monthly virtual local team meetings & additional meetings on SVBC’s paid Zoom account   

●      Eventbrite  
Creating Events on SVBC’s Eventbrite account 

●      Advertising on SVBC Calendar & Social Media 

●      Graphics  
Official local team logo; templates or other help with graphics as staff time allows

●      Facebook
A nested page created by SVBC staff

●      Slack
A community organizing space facilitated, administered, and monitored SVBC staff

We are continuously working to improve. If you need a resource from us that is not already listed above, ask your community organizer, and we will do our best to help!