Announcing 2020 Bike Summit Awardees
Clockwise from top left: Bicyclean!, Daly City Vision Zero Action Plan, Virginia Panlasigui, Jennifer Shearin. Design courtesy of Fehr & Peers.
SVBC is glad to announce the awardees presenting for the Person, Program, and Project of the year at the 10th Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit being held virtually on August 6 and 7, 2020! The nominations for the awards were open in May and June, while the voting took place in July. We received nearly 200 responses and without further ado, let’s meet the awardees and one special category added for this year.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award honors and recognizes longtime SVBC member and volunteer, Virginia Panlasigui, who passed away earlier this year. Virginia started biking a child through helping her brother with his SJ Mercury newspaper route on Stingray bikes. She continued to ride after starting her own family, riding a tandem with a trailer bike attached to it so she could ride with her 10-year old son and 5-year old daughter. You can read more about Virginia’s accomplishments in our 2016 Member Spotlight. Virginia was an avid bike commuter, enthusiast and deeply devoted leader in our bicycle community. She was a huge supporter as lead organizer for SAP’s Bike to Work Day Energizer Stations, a regular volunteer staple with Bike Parking events, among many other roles as SVBC supporter. Your legacy will never be forgotten, Virginia. You are dearly missed. May you rest in peace.
Person of the Year
Jennifer Shearin, Board Member, Walk-Bike Cupertino - Jennifer Shearin is a key leader who orchestrated a coalition of supporters over the span of a few years in Cupertino to make the Regnart Creek Trail possible despite intense opposition from many neighbors adjacent to the proposed trail and a skeptical city council. She inspired residents to show up for multiple public forums -- many of which were marathon public hearings including the final Cupertino City Council hearing that went to 4AM in the morning. Jennifer serves on the Cupertino Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission, board of Walk Bike Cupertino, and the Cupertino Safe Routes to School working group and she leveraged all these connections in her work for the Regnart Creek Trail as well. To learn more about Jennifer’s work, check out the Summit session, “Bringing Everyone to the (Virtual) Table: Outreach and Engagement” as Jennifer will be on the panel of guest speakers!
Program of the Year
Bicyclean!, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties - Keeping our roads clean by picking up trash on the side of the road. Led by Rick Denman and with the support of many cyclists that take the time and energy to pick up trash along our roads. It is so often we zoom by trash on the side of the road. The group has ridden all over and up the hills around the Peninsula to tackle trash big and small. Rick’s passion project for Bicyclean! is truly contagious and the impact he has had on our beautiful area is clearly visible for everyone to see. Rick’s work can also be viewed via an online poster. We will be showcasing posters submitted by participants on key issues and innovative ideas related to biking. Stay tuned to view Rick’s poster in the first week of August just before Bike Summit!
Project of the Year
Daly City Vision Zero Action Plan - In spring 2020, the Daly City Council approved the Vision Zero Action Plan. It is special, since it is the very first plan of its kind in San Mateo County. Daly City’s goal is to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries by 2035 through safety- focused transportation projects and programs. The Daly City Vision Zero Plan adopts the Safe System approach, which prioritizes human life and health as the first consideration in transportation system planning and decision-making. This includes safe streets, safe speeds, safe people, safe vehicles, and post-crash care. The Vision Zero Program establishes a framework for the City’s approach to achieve its Vision Zero goal. Program strategies are set to institutionalize Vision Zero in Daly City, strengthen partnerships, and regularly monitor and evaluate the outcome. A hearty congratulations to all the award winners! Check out the awards presentation here. Special thanks to Fehr & Peers for their design expertise for the Summit Award presentation and images!