SVBC launches two new local teams in May

SVBC launches two new local teams!

SVBC kicked off two new local teams this month! One in the City of Santa Clara and another in Sunnyvale.  We are now supporting seven local teams. If you would like to get involved in bicycle advocacy locally, consider attending joining or more one of our local teams.  We have both virtual teams and team that meet in person in some key cities. We talk about specific projects, bicycle related policy, and how to make a difference.Come join us to meet your neighbors who use bicycles and get involved supporting changes that are important to you via local bike advocacy!For specific meeting times and locations for our in-person Local Teams, please see our calendar. You can click on the links below to join different local team or learn more about them.

In some cities, we have virtual teams which interact primarily via the lists. Here are the virtual teams.

Policy suggestions from the local teams will be submitted to the SVBC Policy Advisory Committee and help shape our advocacy efforts. We’ll also plan for fun events and work on strategies to expand and improve bike facilities in and around the host cities.

SVBC General Discussion

Got Questions? - please send them to

Thank You to All the Volunteers!


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