Important Santa Clara El Camino Real Meetings This Week and Next

The process to see a more people-friendly El Camino Real in City of Santa Clara moves forward. What's your vision of an El Camino Real that would be a pleasant place to bike, walk, shop, eat, work, and play? Right now, it's a state highway that people use to drive through, not often stopping, or a place that people feel unsafe walking across or biking on. For SVBC, an improved El Camino Real means a safer street with protected bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and slower traffic. It means making this state highway more human scale. Santa Clara is one of several cities pondering these questions and they need to hear from you about what would make you feel safe and comfortable biking on El Camino Real. With two upcoming city-led meetings and a potential decision by Council in early 2019, the time is ripe to ensure that the community is informed and taking part in this important decision-making process.

Community Forum a Big Success

On November 29, SVBC joined Santa Clara Community Advocates, Greenbelt Alliance, SV@Home, San Jose Downtown Association, CatalyzeSV, city staff, and many community members including Councilmember Theresa O'Neill at a forum to discuss the options, limitations, and preferences for El Camino Real. SVBC's Emma Shlaes spoke about why protected bike lanes with parking removal could benefit the city and discussed what other cities are doing. Other speakers talked about the housing crisis and what makes a pleasant street and neighborhood. We also had a breakout session in which attendees where asked about their favorite places on El Camino Real, what they like best and what they want to change. People love the restaurants there today but want to see more. They also mentioned poor road quality and the need for transit improvements. Couldn't make it and want to learn more? Check out the videos:

  • PART 1 (SVBC's Emma Shlaes speaks around the 27 minute mark) and PART 2 Q&A

Upcoming meetings and opportunities to make your voices heard

Are you able to come and speak in favor of protected bike lanes and other safety improvements at either of these two meetings? Let us know or get help with talking points by emailing Emma at  


December Member Party to Remember


Pedal2Health Rolls Out!