Thanks to those who attended last Thursday. Here are the highlights and action items:SVBC's Freewheelin' Winter Party for members is Friday, Dec. 4th in Sunnyvale with raffle, drinks, silent auction, and food. Check out more details, we hope to see you there!Newell Rd. Bridge is being replaced and none of the current alternatives include Complete Streets elements like sidewalks and bike lanes. Here's our comment letter and you can send one too, to pwecips@cityofpaloalto.orgBike parking We heard from the city that bike parking is demand driven. You can submit a request on Palo Alto's 311 app. You can also look at current bike parking spots, or add one to this user-generated/crowdsourced bike parking map app.Action Item: David is going to contact someone at the Farmer's Market to ask if they would consider having valet bike parking.4 bike projects at December 14, 2015 City Council: Council will be approving concept plans for the design phase of Park, Wilkie Way, Maybell, and possibly Churchill at this meeting. It will be a consent item. Pop-up bikeway demos are included in the design phase for these projects. SVBC will be sending a letter in support of these projects and you can too, to (will share letter when sent). When these are approved, the city will need neighborhood leaders in the different areas to help do outreach regarding the pop-ups and the new designs. Let us know if you are interested.Page Mill/280 Please read our most recent blog update on this intersection. We are working with the relevant government stakeholders to move progress forward. See page ES-12 and ES-13 of this report for details on the interim striping plan for bicycles, and let us know if you have any feedback.Counters Palo Alto currently has 3 electronic counters to help track bicycle usage on key corridors. California Avenue tunnel has the highest counts. PABAC is considering new locations for these counters.


2015 Voting and Election Information for SVBC Members


Holly St. and Highway 101 update