Safe Routes to School wraps up the year

The school year has come to an end and with it our Safe Routes to School team has wrapped up another successful program. During the 2014/15 school year we provided over 3,000 students with bicycle and pedestrian safety education through in-school programming throughout San Mateo County. SVBC had the opportunity to work with the Belmont Redwood Shores, San Mateo Foster City, East Palo Alto, and Millbrae school districts to provide a range of activities to their students. We did everything from pedestrian and bike rodeos, whole school assemblies, and walk/bike to school encouragement events.A teacher at Foster City Elementary invited us to her 5th grade class for both indoor and outdoor bicycle education. This is the second year she has invited SVBC and the thank you cards the students made after we visited will bring a smile to your face. We're looking forward to expanding our Safe Routes to School offerings in both counties in the coming school year!

Announcing Silicon Valley Bike Summit 2015


Upper Guadalupe River Trail closure