Is cycling part of your economic recovery policy? Take our survey and find out.

Travel Budget When cyclists get together eventually the talk moves to topics such as how much better they feel, how much weight they've lost, and sometimes how much money they've saved.

At SVBC we often advocate for more bike facilities based on the growing level of cycling in the area. But we also often mention that cyclists typically have more disposable (spendable) income in their pockets because they don't have all those expenses pay off each month. (Hint: There is a reason auto, insurance, and gasoline bombard the airways with

Here's you chance to share your savings with your fellow cyclists. Maybe in these tough economic times, cash strapped commuters just need to hear from us how we can help them out. br>

Survey below. Don't forget to hit the "continue" button to complete the survey.



Eyes on the street - how to make cycling easier and safer


SVBC Board of Directors Elections