Campaign update: Middlefield Road bikeway in North Fair Oaks

Last night, the North Fair Oaks Community Council voted to recommend to the Board of Supervisors several design features for the reconstruction of Middlefield Road between 5th and Pacific Avenues:

  • Three traffic lanes
  • Bike lanes
  • Parallel parking
  • Sidewalks wide enough to accommodate street amenities including:
  • Benches and other seating
  • Greenery
  • Street and pedestrian lighting
  • Trash and recycling receptacles
  • Street art
  • Public spaces

This is a great first step in our campaign to see protected bike lanes on Middlefield Rd. in North Fair Oaks and our initiative to Connect Our Communities. The next step will be on October 21, when the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will consider this recommendation. You can write or call your County Supervisor to urge them to approve the Council's recommendation. Following that, the Council will consider the more specific design details of the roadway.This decision is also the result of excellent grassroots work by our members and staff, who attended several public workshops, completed the community survey and spoke with their representatives to urge the three-lane configuration, which will provide more roadway space for wider sidewalks and bicycle lanes. These improvements will improve circulation for pedestrians and bicyclists and encourage a mode shift from vehicles to walking or biking as a result of better conditions, leading to a safer and less congested roadway for all.A big thank you and congratulations to the North Fair Oaks Community Council!


Campaign update: Bicycle friendly Downtown Station Area Plan in South San Francisco


SVBC San Mateo County Committee August minutes